Hi, I'm Mubashira Binte Mustak, an Environmental Science Enthusiast.
Key Skills
QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information System), RStudio, ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information System)
LaTEX, Mendeley Citation Management, Microsoft Office Package (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Google Office Suite
C/C++, Python, Basic MATLAB
My Superpower
Problem Solver
Quickly Understanding the Depth of the Problem
Solving the Problem within the timeline
Master of Science in Environmental Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh [ 01/04/2022-Present ]
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Khulna University [ 01/2017 – 01/2022 ]
Ongoing Works
Evaluation of the Suitability of Reusing Treated Greywater for Hydroponic Lettuce Cultivation: Chemical Health Risk Analysis (2023)
Assessment of Vulnerability to Flood Risk in the Padma River Basin Using Hydro-Morphometric Modeling and Flood Susceptibility Mapping (2023)
Recent Presentation
Email: mubashiramoones@gmail.com mustak.22121334@bau.edu.bd